
A Different Kind Of Art.

When we think of art and street artists especially, some specific art forms come in mind: musicians, actors, comedy, painting, puppets etc.

As we’ve mentioned in probably all posts published up to now, art is the expression of our feelings and ideas, via a way we see fit (whether that is music or anything.) What if the art we created had more substance to it, besides just feelings? Sure, if you are feeling blue and are kind of depressed, you will want to express that to people. But what happens when we try to express our anger for some wrong doing (for example wars that are taking place, or people that are starving.) What can we do then, to highlight the importance of solving those social issues?

noble-purposeWell…the answer to this I believe is simple: In any way possible. In any way we like to expose and produce things. So if a sketch of some sort, highlights such an idea and wrong doing, then people in that area of art should probably start working on it. If it’s music with some very good lyrics, then that’s probably a good idea too. If it’s something we have never seen before (maybe even a protest) that could work as well.

Want to work on a fundraiser to create awareness and the resources for cancer treatments and research? Do something symbolic to that. I believe street artists, are more than just entertainers. The “power” we have is extreme, since we can approach all people from every walk of life. If you are going to spend countless hours on a street, why not have a purpose? Why not have something worth fighting for? Don’t be selfish. People will admire what you do and all your efforts. But most importantly, you will be able to produce a message that in any other case would remain hidden and untold. Make sure your voice is heard, and believe in something noble with a cause.

You have the same power the media has – and maybe even greater. You are living among other people every day – interacting directly with them. When someone is watching TV in their living room, the anchor hasn’t got access to that person directly. But you do! You can touch them, feel them, laugh and interact with them. Don’t let these connections and opportunities be wasted. You have a noble purpose? Speak about it, create social groups and produce awareness about it.

If there is something you have in your mind right now, and feel like the world should know about it, let me know. I would be more than happy to share it in an upcoming post. We could even conduct an interview together over Skype and post the recording of it here. Take advantage of any opportunity you get – even the one I’m providing for you right now.

Please send me your messages. I would be glad to read them and give you some feedback.


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