

Street Res is a shortage for Street Resources. What this website will be providing is experiences from street artists and people that try to live through the harsh reality of life, by producing beautiful – many times unrecognized – art.

The range can be from musicians to small theatrical acts. Being in a group of street artists myself and having shared experiences for decades, I know just want to keep note of everything and hopefully you enjoy the journey with me.

People in general believe that art is something you put in a concert building, or you paint in a portrait. Even though these are some very nice art forms, they aren’t the only one. No one can put a shape or template on art. That’s what art is all about. It’s the expressions of the soul – things you can’t describe in words some times or you just feel the need to share.

The whole purpose of this site will be to create a warm experience in sharing such. So this isn’t only for other street artists that want to read something related to them. This is also for the general public to read and interact with, because art is the beginning of everything. And streets, are where it all began.

If you want to engage with us, feel free to comment below each post. If you want to reach out to us personally, you can do so here.

You can now go back to our home page, and keep reading.